A Healthy Child…
During the 2022 Legislative Session, we wanted to make sure health care access was on the agenda. That's why our social media campaign was focused on the importance of health care coverage.
When children are healthy, they are ready to learn. We know that uninsured children do not receive adequate preventive care and do not seek prompt treatment when they are ill.
Having a medical home ensures children receive routine dental, vision, and developmental screenings. Early identification of developmental or behavioral delays and illness is proven to save society money and produce better results for children.
There's still time to make progress…
Contact your legislator
Unfortunately the bills filed to expand KidCare eligibility in 2022 did not make it through (see HB 1181 from Rep. Robin Bartleman and SB 1422 from Sen. Keith Perry). Let your legislator know you care about this issue and want them to tackle health care access for children in the coming session.
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How Can We Build A Healthy Child?
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Below is a sample caption for your use:
When children are healthy, they are ready to learn. In this election year, we need lawmakers and candidates to focus health care access #ForFloridaChildren. Learn more via @ChildMovementFL’s #healthychild campaign https://bit.ly/healthychildfl

A healthy child has an ongoing relationship with a pediatrician and a medical home.
Here, they will have one-stop access to the preventive care, wellness checks, screenings, and vaccinations they need to grow healthy and strong.
A healthy child makes for a healthy community, where all children get off to a strong start and can reach their full potential.
Florida KidCare offers quality, affordable health and dental insurance. Let’s make sure it’s available for every child who needs it–in every community in every corner of the state.

A healthy child sees the world around them with the awe and wonder of an explorer.
That is why access to vision screening and glasses is critical to their growth and development. With proper screening and care, a child’s eyes are open to a world of knowledge and discovery.
A healthy child makes for a healthy community, where all children get off to a strong start and can reach their full potential.
Florida KidCare offers quality, affordable health and dental insurance. Let’s make sure it’s available for every child who needs it–in every community in every corner of the state

A healthy child has a healthy smile.
According to Floridians for Dental Access, more than 23% of 3rd graders in Florida have untreated tooth decay. Prevention goes a long way toward maintaining oral health. Learning to brush and floss daily can be a habit created early.
A healthy child makes for a healthy community, where all children get off to a strong start and can reach their full potential.
Florida KidCare offers quality, affordable health and dental insurance. Let’s make sure it’s available for every child who needs it–in every community in every corner of the state.

A healthy child can find calm and think clearly.
It starts when parents bond and form relationships with them as babies. As children grow, they experience emotions, and they learn to express and manage them, building confidence to explore their environment.
A healthy child makes for a healthy community, where all children get off to a strong start and can reach their full potential.
Florida KidCare offers quality, affordable health and dental insurance. Let’s make sure it’s available for every child who needs it–in every community in every corner of the state.

A healthy child visits a doctor when they get sick.
When a child has easy access to health care early, minor issues like sniffles and tummy aches don’t become more serious problems later. Parents shouldn’t have to wait to get their child the help they need, when they need it.
A healthy child makes for a healthy community, where all children get off to a strong start and can reach their full potential.
Florida KidCare offers quality, affordable health and dental insurance. Let’s make sure it’s available for every child who needs it–in every community in every corner of the state.

A healthy child is curious and ready to learn about the world around them.
Children come to understand our world through their five senses. When a child is happy, healthy, and supported, the world is their playground to explore.
A healthy child makes for a healthy community, where all children get off to a strong start and can reach their full potential.
Florida KidCare offers quality, affordable health and dental insurance. Let’s make sure it’s available for every child who needs it–in every community in every corner of the state.

A healthy child has parents who are supported.
Doctors and nurses can be a sounding board and trusted ally to answer questions about their child’s development. Through familiarity and consistency, parents foster lasting relationships with these allies that support their children’s growth.
A healthy child makes for a healthy community, where all children get off to a strong start and can reach their full potential.
Florida KidCare offers quality, affordable health and dental insurance. Let’s make sure it’s available for every child who needs it–in every community in every corner of the state.

A healthy child is supported by healthy caregivers who can get the postpartum screening and mental health care they need.
Just as medical attention for a baby does not end at birth, neither should it end for their mother and father. A healthy family means a healthy child.
A healthy child makes for a healthy community, where all children get off to a strong start and can reach their full potential.
Florida KidCare offers quality, affordable health and dental insurance. Let’s make sure it’s available for every child who needs it–in every community in every corner of the state.

A healthy child doesn’t have to visit the emergency room for primary care.
When a child has a medical home and an ongoing relationship with a pediatrician, parents do not have to scramble to find primary care. Help is just a visit or phone call away.
A healthy child makes for a healthy community, where all children get off to a strong start and can reach their full potential.
Florida KidCare offers quality, affordable health and dental insurance. Let’s make sure it’s available for every child who needs it–in every community in every corner of the state.

A healthy child grows into a healthy adult.
Preventive care encourages good health habits and life-long wellness. When families are supported, children thrive; when children thrive, communities flourish.
A healthy child makes for a healthy community, where all children get off to a strong start and can reach their full potential.
Florida KidCare offers quality, affordable health and dental insurance. Let’s make sure it’s available for every child who needs it–in every community in every corner of the state.