Research and Statistics

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We want you to have easy access to the studies, statistics, and resources we use. We hope they help you!


Tips for Parents

  • The CDC’s Developmental Monitoring
  • Birth to Five: Watch Me Thrive! US Department of Education. A resource from the US DoE that helps parents understand important developmental mile stones for their child and offers guidance about early screening.
  • Florida KidCare offers quality, affordable health and dental insurance for kids. From birth through the end of age 18, Florida children are eligible for head to toe coverage, even if one or both parents are working.
  • Early Steps offers services to eligible infants and toddlers, age birth to 36 months, who have or are at-risk for developmental disabilities or delays.

State of Health Care for Children in Florida

Studies about the Importance of Early Developmental, Behavioral and Emotional Screening

Studies about the Importance of Health Coverage for Children

Statistics We Cite


Tips for Parents

The State of Education in Florida

Studies about the Importance of Quality Early Learning

Statistics We Cite

Parent Support

Tips for Parents

  • Help Me Grow can be accessed by dialing 211 in 38 of Florida’s 67 counties. The service provides early identification of developmental delay and/or behavioral concerns, and links families to community support.
  • Early Steps offers services to eligible infants and toddlers, age birth to 36 months, who have or are at-risk for developmental disabilities or delays.

Studies about the Importance of Quality Parent Support Systems

Statistics We Cite

Disclaimer: These links to third-party websites are provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. They do not constitute an endorsement or approval by The Children’s Movement of Florida or its affiliate organizations and partners.