For the third year in a row, our agenda included national experts and local change makers, bridging the worlds of politics, business, and early childhood. We brought together nearly 600 participants in a live, virtual event with a very active chat! To view a list of resources and links shared in the live chat, click here.
2022 Agenda & Video Archive
Keynote: The Power of Early Childhood
Our keynote this year was presented live only. Dr. Perry has shared some "best hits" slides if you'd like to take a look.

Dr. Bruce D. Perry
M.D., Ph.D., author, psychiatrist, researcher, clinician
The Prosperity Agenda & Early Childhood

Speaker Designate Paul Renner
Florida House of Representatives
Engaging Dads: How To Do It Right

Christopher Brown
President, National Fatherhood Initiative

Dexter Nelson
Father and HVAC entrepreneur - Orlando

Darrick D. McGhee, Sr.
Chief Operating Officer, Johnson & Blanton, LLC and Pastor, Bible Based Church - Tallahassee
Manatee County Spotlight: Kindergarten Readiness on Wheels

Kerry Gaylord
Chief Operations Officer, Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County

Kelly Beavers
Director of Community Educational Initiatives, Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County

Rachel Spivey
Director of Grant Management, Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County

In Memory of Paul Sharff
Late CEO, Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County
When a Parent Gets the News: Early Intervention and the New CDC Milestones

Tamelia Malcolm, MBA, MS, CHES
Supervisor, North Central Early Steps, University of Florida

Tamika Maxwell, D.O., FAAP
Pediatrician and Reach Out and Read Medical Champion, Pediatric Associates
Win the Talent War with Family-Friendly Policies

Vinessa Gordon, MPH
Research and Grants Analyst, Delores Barr Weaver Policy Center - Jacksonville

Juan Vasquez
Project Manager, Ruvos

Elisa Juárez
Director of Culture and DEI, ChenMed – Miami Gardens

Kathleen Brugueras
Senior Director Culture and Change Management, Florida Blue

Vance Aloupis
CEO, The Children's Movement of Florida
Resources & Links from our live chat on October 27, 2022
- To learn more about Dr. Perry, please visit: https://www.bdperry.com
- If you're interested in starting a What Happened to You Book Club some great resources can be found here: https://ctfalliance.org/partnering-with-parents/book-club/
- If you want to contact your state representative with your concerns, or to share any of the priorities we’ve discussed today, you can find their contact information here: https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/sections/representatives/myrepresentative.aspx
- If you want to contact your state senator with your concerns, or to share any of the priorities we’ve discussed today, you can find their contact information here: https://www.flsenate.gov/senators/find
- If you want to share videos on “Everyday Moments with Dad” and keep elevating the loving role of fathers in a child’s life, please go to this link or send photos to info@childrensmovementflorida.org before Friday, Nov 4, 2022.
- To learn more about the National Fatherhood Initiative, visit https://www.fatherhood.org/
- From March of Dimes: https://www.marchofdimes.org/pregnancy/becoming-a-dad.asp
- From Florida Maternal Infant and Early Childhood Home Visit Initiative (FLMIECHV): https://www.flmiechv.com/for-programs/ resources/father-involvement-toolkit/
- To learn more about the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida https://www.ounce.org/index.asp
- Program Strategies to Maximize Fathers’ Connections with Community Partners | ECLKC (hhs.gov)
- Here is a press release from the Governor's office that summarizes highlights from a very long bill on father involvement: https://flgov.com/2022/04/11/governor-ron-desantis-signs-groundbreaking-legislation-to-support-involved-fatherhood-in-florida/ And here is the full text of the bill if you are interested: h7065er.docx (myfloridahouse.gov)
- ReadingPals is active in 14 regions across the state. To learn more or sign up to volunteer, visit: https://www.childrensmovementflorida.org/community-engagement/readingpals
- To learn more about the Early Learning Coalition in Manatee County, visit http://www.elc-manatee.org/
- Educational Fleet - Manatee ELC (elc-manatee.org)
- Curious about The Future Project? Learn more here: www.childrensmovementflorida.org/future-project
- To learn more about Reach Out and Read, visit: https://reachoutandread.org/affiliate/florida/
- To learn more about Early Steps, Florida’s early intervention system, please visit https://www.floridahealth.gov/programs-and[1]services/childrens-health/early-steps/index.html
- And there are scholarships to help parents pay for therapies: https://www.stepupforstudents.org/for-parents/special-needs/how-the[1]scholarship-works/
- To learn more about the CDC Developmental Milestones, visit: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/index.html
- There are several Centers for Autism and Related Disabilities in Florida. Find the resources for your region at this site:/florida-card.org/map.htm (links to NSU, UCF, USF, UM-NOVA, and UF CARD centers)
- Check out this resource with waivers and sample policies for babies in the office: https://www.babiesatwork.org/
- https://corp.wonderschool.com/employers
- To share a company policy or sign up to receive a copy of our Guide to Family-Friendly Workplaces in Florida, visit: https://www.childrensmovementflorida.org/bosses_toolkit