
Upcoming Events

Built to Thrive

Built to Thrive Summit

Tuesday, September 10, 2024 | 10 am - 12 pm


For the fifth year in a row, The Children's Movement of Florida will hold its virtual summit to bridge the worlds of politics, business, and early childhood. Our fast-paced, two-hour program elevates some of the most prominent local and national voices on healthy child development, early learning and literacy, and economic self-sufficiency for families.

The Future Call

The Future Call

Tuesday, September 17, 2024 | 12 - 12:45 pm


The Future Call
Conversations on Florida’s Early Learning Future

This is a community call for Floridians interested in supporting our youngest learners and the adults who help them thrive. It’s an opportunity to share successes and best practices aligned to the recommendations in Florida’s Early Learning Roadmap, and to collaborate for continued progress.  

Past Events

Bosses for Babies Live

Bosses for Babies Live: Mark Wilson and Vance Aloupis

Thursday, July 23, 2020 | All day

Enjoy this conversation with Florida Chamber President and CEO Mark Wilson and our CEO Vance Aloupis to learn more about why business leaders should invest in early childhood.